"This here is an aurochs — a fierce, mean creature that walked the face of the earth back when we all lived in the caves..."
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Meet Wink
"I'm not no actor, I'm a businessman."
Meet the baker with a big heart, Dwight Henry.
Glory At Sea
"A group of mourners and a man spat from the depths of Hades build a boat from the debris of New Orleans to rescue their lost loved ones trapped beneath the sea."
Director Benh Zeitlin's first film, Glory At Sea (2008), is a magical and mythic 25-minute short -- also shot in New Orleans by the Court 13 independent film-making army.
Director Benh Zeitlin on Quvenzhané Wallis
I would say, 'Tell me about what happens at the end of the world,' and she would describe her vision of that, which was these crazy things with people's hands falling off and their clothes burning up and the light in the sky turning on and off really fast, like all these visions that she has. And I remember — this is just one example — but I remember asking her, 'If all these things were your fault, what would you do?' And she said, 'I would just try to fix it. I would do whatever I can to fix what I broke.' And then I said, 'What would you do to fix it?' And she said, 'Well, I would always brush my teeth. I would listen to my parents.' Read NPR's interview with Benh here.